1:1 Power Session
You and me on Zoom reviewing your financial life, discussing strategy, and putting together a game plan all using RightCapital financial planning software.

Here is how it works:
1. Sign up using the link below to create your profile in RightCapital financial planning software. No need to link your accounts in the software just create manual entries. Don't stress about having everything perfect. We will review it during our first zoom session.
2. Send me an email telling me a little about yourself with a brief summary of your financial situation and any pressing topics you would like to cover.
3. Book a 20-minute call on my calendar to discuss your situation so we can estimate how many hours we will need to complete your plan. Click here to schedule -
4. Once we determine an estimate of the time required I will send you a client agreement to sign electronically.
5. We will schedule our first Zoom call to walk through your financial portal. We will talk about your goals, I will answer your most pressing questions, and we will begin the process of creating your financial plan.
6. Once we have completed your plan I will present my recommendations and your next steps moving forward. I will also provide you with a pdf of your entire financial plan.
Cost: $250 per hour
The number of hours typically ranges from two to eight depending on the complexity of your specific situation. Two hours is very realistic for a young family looking for a check-up while a couple wanting to retire asap will usually be at least 4 hours and up.
Download a sample power session report